Configure Asterisk with CDR-Stats and CDR-Pusher

Asterisk supports many backends to store CDRs: SQLite3, PostgreSQL, Mysql and many more.

In this document, we will explain how to configure Asterisk to store CDRs to SQLite3, as this is the easiest to setup, and how to install CDR-Pusher on your Asterisk server to push CDRs to the CDR-Stats server.

Collect CDRs from SQLITE3

The cdr_sqlite module was deprecated and has been removed. Users of this module should use the cdr_sqlite3_custom module instead.

If Asterisk is compiled from source, then providing that SQLite3 is installed, then during make menuselect under Call Detail Recording, cdr_sqlite3_custom can be selected for installation.

For those using Asterisk via RPMs such as in the popular free PBX system, then something like yum install asterisk11-sqlite3.x86_64. Do “yum search sqlite3” to find the correct module for your version of Asterisk.

There is only one config file for the module, this is configured at /etc/asterisk/cdr_sqlite3_custom.conf and the default settings are as follows:

; Mappings for custom config file
[master] ; currently, only file "master.db" is supported, with only one table at a time.
table => cdr
columns => calldate, clid, dcontext, channel, dstchannel, lastapp, lastdata,source, destination, duration, billsec, disposition, amaflags, accountcode, uniqueid, userfield, test
values => '${CDR(start)}','${CDR(clid)}','${CDR(dcontext)}','${CDR(channel)}','${CDR(dstchannel)}','${CDR(lastapp)}','${CDR(lastdata)}','${CDR(src)}','${CDR(dst)}','${CDR(duration,f)}','${CDR(billsec,f)}','${CDR(disposition)}','${CDR(amaflags)}','${CDR(accountcode)}','${CDR(uniqueid)}','${CDR(userfield)}','${CDR(test)}'

After installation, restart asterisk. When CDR are written, they will be found  in the SQLite3 database at /var/log/asterisk/master.db

To check that CDR are being written to the SQLite3 database type the following:
sqlite3 /var/log/asterisk/master.db

The result will be:

SQLite version 3.6.20
Enter “.help” for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a “;”

For readability, type

.header on
.mode column

Then you can list your CDR with standard SQL commands, e.g.

select * from cdr;

CTRL-D exits the SQLite console.

Configure CDR-pusher to collect CDRs

Once your CDRs will be stored to a SQLite Database, you will have to install CDR-Pusher on your Asterisk server. You can find instruction how to install CDR-Pusher here:

To install Supervisor on CentOS 6 or RHEL6, the procedure is more complex, here it’s how we do it:

yum -y install python-setuptools
easy_install supervisor
wget -O /etc/supervisord.conf
wget -O /etc/init.d/supervisor
chmod +x /etc/init.d/supervisor
supervisord –version
/etc/init.d/supervisor stop ; sleep 2 ; /etc/init.d/supervisor start

Also make sure you have recent version of Git.
Check your git version with:
git version

If your git version <= 1.7.4, then you will need to install a recent version, you can follow the instructions here how to install a recent Git on CentOS6 here:

After installation of CDR-Pusher you can find the configuration file at ‘/etc/cdr-pusher.yaml’.
You will need to configure properly some settings in order to connect CDR-pusher to your SQLite CDR backend and to your CDR-Stats server.

Here some of the settings you need to change to fetch CDR form Asterisk, edit ‘/etc/cdr-pusher.yaml’:

# storage_source_type: type to CDRs to push
storage_source: “sqlite3”

# db_file: specify the database path and name
db_file: “/var/log/asterisk/master.db”

# db_table: the DB table name
db_table: “cdr”

# cdr_fields is list of fields that will be fetched (from SQLite3) and pushed (to PostgreSQL)
# – if dest_field is callid, it will be used in riak as key to insert
    – orig_field: uniqueid
    dest_field: callid
    type_field: string
    – orig_field: “” AS cidnum”
    dest_field: caller_id_number
    type_field: string
    – orig_field: clid
    dest_field: caller_id_name 
    type_field: string
    – orig_field: destination
    dest_field: destination_number
    type_field: string
    – orig_field: “CASE WHEN disposition=’ANSWER’ THEN 16 WHEN disposition=’ANSWERED’ THEN 16 WHEN disposition=’BUSY’ THEN 17 WHEN disposition=’NOANSWER’ THEN 19 WHEN disposition=’NO ANSWER’ THEN 19 WHEN disposition=’CANCEL’ THEN 21 WHEN disposition=’CANCELED’ THEN 21 WHEN disposition=’CONGESTION’ THEN 34 WHEN disposition=’CHANUNAVAIL’ THEN 47 WHEN disposition=’DONTCALL’ THEN 21 WHEN disposition=’TORTURE’ THEN 21 WHEN disposition=’INVALIDARGS’ THEN 47 WHEN disposition=’FAIL’ THEN 41 WHEN disposition=’FAILED’ THEN 41 ELSE 41 END”
    dest_field: hangup_cause_id
    type_field: int
    – orig_field: CAST(duration AS INTEGER)
    dest_field: duration
    type_field: int
    – orig_field: CAST(billsec AS INTEGER) 
    dest_field: billsec
    type_field: int
    – orig_field: “datetime(calldate)”
    dest_field: starting_date
    type_field: date
    – orig_field: channel
    dest_field: extradata
    type_field: jsonb
    – orig_field: lastapp
    dest_field: extradata
    type_field: jsonb
    – orig_field: dcontext
    dest_field: extradata
    type_field: jsonb

Send CDRs from backend to the CDR-Stats Core DB

The application cdr-pusher will need your correct CDR-Stats server settings to push CDRs properly to the core DB, you set this in ‘/etc/cdr-pusher.yaml’ by changing:

pg_datasourcename: “user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=5432 dbname=cdr-pusher sslmode=disable”

Replace ‘postgres’, ‘password’ and ‘localhost’ by your CDR-Stats server settings and make sure you configured Remote Access to PostgreSQL, this is described in our documentation.

You need to configure the following settings as well:

# switch_ip: leave this empty to default to your external IP (accepted value: “”|”your IP”)
switch_ip: “”

# cdr_source_type: write the id of the cdr sources type
# (accepted value: unknown: 0, csv: 1, api: 2, freeswitch: 3, asterisk: 4, yate: 5, kamailio: 6, opensips: 7, sipwise: 8, veraz: 9)
cdr_source_type: 4

Restart CDR-Pusher

After changes in ‘/etc/cdr-pusher.yaml’ CDR-pusher will need to be restarted, do this with the following commands:

/etc/init.d/supervisor stop
/etc/init.d/supervisor start


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