Rebranding & Licensing

CDR-Stats has been released under the Mozilla Public License, Version 2, (MPL V2) as described at

The MPL license is commercially friendly in that it allows companies to combine their own closed source development with CDR-Stats without the perceived limitations of some open source licenses.

Furthermore, the MPL makes provision to allow improvements to the software to be passed upstream to us for the benefit of all users of CDR-Stats.


The MPL license requires that the copyright, license and author information is not removed from any of the source files.

However we can offer a permission to remove the copyright, author and license information from all publicly visible web pages, the cost of this is €500 Euro.

We also offer a rebranding service to add your own logo and corporate style to CDR-Stats. The cost of this service including the permission described above is €900 Euro.

Click below to purchase:

Rebrand Options

Alternative Licensing

A company may, perfectly reasonably, want to make a derivative proprietary commercial application from CDR-Stats or combine CDR-Stats with another larger application, and completely white-label CDR-Stats, and the MPL may not be suitable for their requirements.

In this case, we would ask you to contact us with your plan for CDR-Stats, and discuss options with us, which may simply result in a written permission, e.g. to remove the copyright, or re-license CDR-Stats for your particular application. Naturally, the costs can vary depending on your requirements.

If you have any questions on licensing, or you are unsure of your obligations under the MPL, please contact us for clarification.