CDR-Stats will be configured to attach to the asteriskcdrdb database in MySQL installed by the FreePBX installation routine, which contains all the call data records. A connector is installed that takes the CDR from MySQL and imports them into MongoDB in realtime. The web interface for CDR-Stats will be installed on port 8008.
Before commencing, a back up of FreePBX, in particular asteriskcdrdb, is recommended. Also have a note of the FreePBX username and password for MySQL. In later versions of FreePBX, this can be found in /etc/freepbx.conf
Run the following commands at the console:
cd /usr/src/
wget --no-check-certificate -O
The install routine will ask a number of questions, all of which are self explanatory. Select “Install all” which is option 1 in the CDR-Stats Installation Menu.
When completed, move onto Configuring and Using CDR-Stats.
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