by Areski Belaid | Jan 25, 2013 | Blog
CDR-Stats version 2 released after a long period of development and testing. CDR-Stats is a free and open source multi-tenant call data analysis and reporting system with live statistics and threat reporting. This latest version has been rebuilt to be scalable, handle millions of CDR and provide reports and searches quickly and efficiently. CDR-Stats may be considered for: – Telcos to analyse their own CDR – Displaying call data to their customers – Centralising call data from multiple PBX’s – Department heads to view their subordinate’s calls – Detecting & reporting suspicious call patterns Features include: MongoDB: Built on MongoDB, a scalable database system with many enterprise features, capable of handling massive quantities of data efficiently. Flexible Deployment: CDR-Stats can be deployed on the same hardware as the telephony server or on a separate server with multiple telephony systems feeding call data to CDR-Stats. Single & Multi-server Architecture: Can be scaled from reporting on a single PBX’s call data to a large telco running a farm of telephony servers. Custom Alarms: automated triggers to fire notifications when unusual call activity is detected which may indicate fraud. Realtime Reporting: Number of calls in progress are reported in realtime with historical concurrent calls reports for supported platforms. (Asterisk / Freeswitch) Extensibility: Connectors can be developed to allow both proprietary and open-source telecoms systems to deliver call data into CDR-Stats (contact us for more details) Simple Install: CDR-Stats has extensive documentation and automated installation scripts with support from the CDR-Stats community. Professionally Supported: Installation, support, training and software development services are available from Star2billing. Contact us for more details....