MongoDB Meetup Barcelona

Hi all, We are presenting CDR-Stats tonight at the MongoDB Barcelona Meetup, in Barcelona – at Consell de Cent 334-336, E-1. If you are interested to see what we will be presenting, we have put the slides online at We look forward to seeing any Barcelona residents interested in MongoDB at the meeting...

CDR-Stats v2 Beta, Ready to Test

Hi All, We have released CDR-Stats version 2 in beta. This is a ground-up rewrite of CDR-Stats and adds a number of new features: MongoDB is used by CDR-Stats to create a highly scalable database system which is designed to maintain high performance when faced with analysing large quantities of data. Single and Multi-server architectures to allow reporting on many millions of calls from multiple call data sources. Browser Responsive – The pages resize to suit any browsing device so CDR-Stats can be managed from a phone browser, tablet or computer. Alarms – Custom alarm triggers can be set for a range of conditions including average length of calls, failed calls, and unexpected destinations called. Realtime Reporting of calls in progress on supported platforms. Fraud detection – Using graphical tools helps spot patterns which may indicate suspicious or fraudulent activity. Multi-tenant System that allows CDR from multiple sources or CDR assigned to customers on the basis of account-code. We have built a number of installation guides and scripts for a range of scenarios. These can be found at and we invite you to install CDR-Stats on your testing servers. We look forward to your feedback and comments either via our mailing list at or emailed directly to [email protected]...

CDR-Stats rewritten

Hi Everyone, We’ve got some great news news for you! A new version of CDR-Stats is coming soon and it’s a full rewrite of our previous software. Our team have been very busy during the last few months as we wanted to give to CDR-Stats the design it deserves. CDR-Stats is used by hundreds of users in the Asterisk community, it answered a need and certainly a lot of people were very happy with it, but we found it was weak in some aspects. Some of the limitations were : Flexibility, the design of the software didn’t allow us to support many switches easily, so even if we wanted to support FreeSWITCH, our current design was not the most appropriate. Scalability, CDR is simple data but once you try to analyse it, you quickly find the limitations of the database engine. Building in realtime and complex reporting became an almost impossible task. High Availability, nobody want to lose their data and especially not if the data is used for billing purposes. Solutions are available but it’s not cheap or easy to build replication into MySQL. Realtime reporting is a feature a lot of people were asking for, to see exactly what was happening on their switches. The good news is,  a solution is coming… and it’s coming very soon, so stay tuned!...